Pater Noster (E)

Pater Noster,  a short story partly autobiographical, takes place in the days of Catholic Holland at the end of the 50’s beginning of the 60’s. It’s  the description of a little boy sent to  boarding school who struggles to survive his loneliness and the bullying of his classmates. The story displays how a sensitive, intelligent child eventually becomes the victim of sexual abuse ,captured in the web of a pedophile priest.



Pater Noster is an autobiographical story of a young boy who enters  boarding school,  and subsequently a seminary with the desire to become a missionary. The first three-quarters of the book is about a little boy looking for friends and being bullied by his classmates. Later, when he enters the seminary, the sexual abuse starts.

Many will buy this book because of the abuse, but the first part is equally interesting. The description of the abuse is both moving and saddening. The author skillfully deals with a delicate subject without resorting to cheap sensationalism.

You can order the ebook here

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